Celebrating a few of your wedding ceremonies at your place is quite exciting. Not to forget the sense of private vibe it gives your ceremony and having total control over the things as they are taking place at your own home.
While the whole thing looks like a rosy picture we cannot sugarcoat the fact that it comes with few problems. If not well planned you can face some difficulties during the ceremony.

Candid Events has summed up a quick list you can follow to prevent last-minute embarrassment.

1. Limited Events:

While organizing the events at home may be exciting but it comes with limitations. It’s better to make sure that they are events you can have control on. From catering to decor you will have to oversee everything and be at the helm of affairs.

2. Guest List:

It is very important to keep your guest list realistic rather than stuffing more people into your house than it can accommodate. Seriously, stuffy and crowded places are sworn enemies of enjoyment.

3. Not to overdo it:

The first and foremost rule of enjoyment is not to overdo stuff. Make sure you don’t handle everything singlehandedly. Don’t do excess of DIY things and forget to enjoy the ceremony.

4. Keen recce:

Be it something small as plug point positioning or spacing of the stalls, always have a keen recce before the ceremony. This will save you a lot of last-minute hassle.

5. Parking Space:

One of the most important factors to consider while hosting a ceremony at home is your guest’s comfort and the first thing when a guest arrives at your home is to look for parking space. You must ensure whether or not you have enough parking space around your home.

6. Make unnecessary crowd off-limits:

This doesn’t mean you reorganize your guest list. Make sure your vendors aren’t occupying the most space. For instance, if 5 people are working on lighting make sure you cut it down to 2-3 before the event begins.

7. Space it wisely:

Make sure you don’t mix the spacing for the guests and vendors. This will let the vendors do their work without any problem and let your guest have a happy and peaceful time at the ceremony.

So here you have it! Some super useful tips for planning out the wedding at home. Candid Events will be happy to lend you a hand when it comes to inhouse events. We provide best of best services according to the customer needs highly designed Chariots, Tents, Lights, Unique custom-made themes, Decoration and Flowers, Lighting, Photography, Makeup Artist, Air Conditioning, Hangers, Super Structures, Tentages, Labour and Transportation. All you have to do is call us now and stay relaxed.
